Thursday, June 14, 2018

Social Media Considerations / Issues

There are some issues that can be associated with the use of social media tools and applications.  # of these can be:

TECHNOLOGICAL - Sometimes a blog can be made on a faulty piece of equipment (old computer, unfamiliar browser), or the person making the post is not as diverse and well informed in the area as others ... this can cause little accidents and headaches for simple procedures.

SOCIAL - Quite often someone will make a post when they are in a bad mood over someone or something ... this can be called a rant.  It is in this time that people make posts driven by emotion without thinking about the consequences of how it will affect others that are mentioned, good or bad.  While the author can know how they'll be feeling as they type, the readers could misinterpret the post and see it as spiteful or take it the wrong way.

PRIVACY - The right setting can determine the kind of response you get, whether you wanted it or not ... PUBLIC means any and everybody around the world could read it (regardless of language barrier), PRIVATE is restricted to only those you permit to read it, whether it's certain individuals or a group.  As long as the person or company you speak (badly) of doesn't read the post or get informed about it through somebody else, there shouldn't be a problem ... but if you feel like writing out bad things to help yourself feel better, it is best to hand write it in a little diary that you keep alone, or on a piece of paper and dispose of it permanently.

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