Sunday, June 17, 2018

Recommended Tools for Social Media Engagement

After much investigation and careful examinations, I have decided on the 2 most beneficial applications/tools of Social Media for a Library to use:

* Facebook
* Pinterest

I have chosen these two because their posts can be made PUBLIC to reach a wide audience.  Although both can show a visual post, "Facebook" allows a limitless amount of text while "Pinterest" can showcase a multitude of images - they compliment each-other in advertising.

This concludes my Class activity of Blogging ... but if the day comes this can become a public viewing, watch out world cause I have things to say!

Commenting on Another Blog

I visited my Teacher Sharon's Blog, I read the Introductory post and left a comment, as she requested ... I said how I loved the WARM colours of her site's background and said which movie I had recently seen (which had been "Ocean's 8" that same week, on Tuesday night).

Then I wrote a Post here on my Blog to say what I had done!

Changing the Arrangement of my Blog

When it comes to Adjustments, I am better with the visual side than the technological and intricate diagnostic side ... especially if it comes to adjusting the layout of a blog page.

In this task I added a "Blog Description" and left the remainder of the Layout unchanged.

Changing the Look of my Blog

Although this Task wasn't requested until later, I still proceeded to get the look right for my own Blog before I could focus on posting and answering the questions proposed by our Teacher, Sharon.

My Favourite colour is BLUE (but I am open to other options for certain things), so that is the main choice I went with because it can be a soothing sight to view, both in sight and the mood.

  The Template I chose for the theme was "Ethereal", because that is also a soothing and calm design to symbolize my fondness for the fantasy and otherworldly aspects.

I am also working on the colours and tones to decide on certain titles, body of text and other areas of the Blog.

Inserting Images

For this post I will insert two images that represent different parts of me.  While both of these images show my fondness for fictional and fantasy, they represent my alternate personalities:

"Oz" is my main lifelong fascination and adoration of fantasy worlds stories ...
Promo image for Disney's "Return to Oz" (1985), from the Aaron Pacentine Collection.

... while mighty, strong and masculine Super Heroes represent my own admiration for testosterone.
Hank "Beast" McCoy from Marvel's "X-Men" comics (from a Google Image search).

How is my local library using Social Media?

My hometown has quite a few local libraries, but one in particular is the Lionel Bowen Public Library and Community Centre.

It uses the following means of social media to advertise its existence and activities:
* Home page:
"Randwick City Library, a sense of community" is the main area of which Bowen Library belongs to and is the brand for the Library's representation.  This website provides links to the other webpages that connect on a social level, each offering a different set of videos and photos that display and represent the community's local library.

* Facebook:
Contains the usual Posts, with photos and videos, Reviews, About, Library Search, Events and a glimpse at the Community activities.

* YouTube:
 Simple using videos to promote and advertise the area, it includes videos on Beach Safety and Announcements from Mayor Lindsay Shurey, as well as updates on events and news and occurrences.  There is not a long list of videos nor is there anything remotely appearing to be related to the Library itself, but that could be a good thing to avoid prolonged viewings.

* Twitter:

 Regular posts with minimal text and a picture and/or video with each post, the Twitter page showcases activities and get-together events.

* Pinterest:
A vast gallery of images, maybe a video or two or more, awaits you in this expansive page of photos showing the numerous and countless visual collections collected by the library, whether they're for fun and satire, learning, sharing, historical or whatever the need is for ... this suite of pictures is astounding.

How Libraries are using Social Media

* Library Blog:
The following library blog link belongs to "Curtin University", which includes information on upcoming events (like holidays), themes, warnings about scam, suggestion and feedback with responses from the staff.

* Library YouTube page:
The provided link directs you to the YouTube account of the State Library in Victoria.  Videos and Playlists include advertising Promotions and their themes such as "White Night Melbourne", celebrating 150 years of Beatrix Potter, recipe collection, their first catalogue, Authors and Lecturers, Favourite Treasures and "What's Your Story?" from fellow Victorians.

* Library Facebook page:
The link below takes you to the Facebook page of the British Library, where you can find a list of events, many photos and albums and videos, sufficient information and statistics, plenty of Reviews, a Community section and even arrange a Live Webcast.  The page also include a "Book Now" button.

* Library Twitter page:
This next link belongs to the Twitter page of the L.A. Library, with  20.1 K (thousand) followers, which has been online since April 2009 provided over 25.1 K (thousand) posts and 5, 639 photos and videos.

* Library Instagram page:
Our final link provides you into a glimpse of the Instagram page belonging to The New York Public Library, providing a long list of images that determines their "mission to inspire lifelong learning, advance knowledge, and strengthen communities.".

Thursday, June 14, 2018

What is Library 2.0?

"Library 2.0" is term describing, in some way, the classic library in this new day and age of digital technology and opportunities.

While there are digital books available, the solid physical books and stores are still around because they are wanted and necessary.

Libraries are still everywhere, they have no barriers, they invite participants and uses flexible, best-of-breed systems.

More information about Library 2.0 can be found here and here

(courtesy of "social media" powerpoint)

Social Media Considerations / Issues

There are some issues that can be associated with the use of social media tools and applications.  # of these can be:

TECHNOLOGICAL - Sometimes a blog can be made on a faulty piece of equipment (old computer, unfamiliar browser), or the person making the post is not as diverse and well informed in the area as others ... this can cause little accidents and headaches for simple procedures.

SOCIAL - Quite often someone will make a post when they are in a bad mood over someone or something ... this can be called a rant.  It is in this time that people make posts driven by emotion without thinking about the consequences of how it will affect others that are mentioned, good or bad.  While the author can know how they'll be feeling as they type, the readers could misinterpret the post and see it as spiteful or take it the wrong way.

PRIVACY - The right setting can determine the kind of response you get, whether you wanted it or not ... PUBLIC means any and everybody around the world could read it (regardless of language barrier), PRIVATE is restricted to only those you permit to read it, whether it's certain individuals or a group.  As long as the person or company you speak (badly) of doesn't read the post or get informed about it through somebody else, there shouldn't be a problem ... but if you feel like writing out bad things to help yourself feel better, it is best to hand write it in a little diary that you keep alone, or on a piece of paper and dispose of it permanently.

What are Social Media Tools?

I would like to list and briefly describe 5 different types of social media tools and applications, with their respected links:

Facebook ( - a social gathering of people around the world who want to become friends, whether they actually know each other or not, or to share and post about events and life occurrences.

Youtube ( - a site where people and companies can release an assortment of videos, such as Trailers and Teasers, Music Videos, Behind-the-Scenes, news, Vlogs (video blogs), candid recordings, a compilation of their favourite scenes from various sources and other footages.

Instagram ( - a site that is less interested in text and more focused on imagery, whether it's a picture or a short video.

Twitter ( - a site that, like Facebook, involves posts, but is more focused on text than imagery, usually with a word limit.

Blogger ( - a means of posting news and updates, reviews and interviews, or even sharing photos and videos, with any amount of text or content you wish in a single or as many posts.  Sometimes this can also provide Messaging Forums on an online club.

What Is Social Media?

Social Media is an online way of communicating and interacting with other people, whether they are old friends you are familiar with, or work colleagues you want to know personally outside of business hours, or even new people you have never heard of or seen before but would like to associate with.

Best examples of Social Media are Facebook ( and YouTube (, which are the 2 most visited sites out of 15 social networking sites (and apps).

First Post, Thursday Arvo

I am happy to announce my own, personal, and new Blog, courtesy of TAFE Ultimo's "Library and Information Skills" course, under the guidance of Sharon.